A chemical peel is designed to help with a variety of skin concerns, from texture improvement, acne and scarring reduction, and overall facial rejuvenation. At North Metro Dermatology, our licensed esthetician performs medium and deep chemical peels that can be tailored for your specific treatment goals.

What are chemical peels for?

Chemical peels are an in-office cosmetic treatment for the face, neck, chest, back, and/or hands to address a variety of concerns, including: 

  • Acne and acne-related pigmentation/scarring
  • Enlarged pores
  • Fine lines
  • Chronic sun damage
  • Melasma, discoloration, and/or flat/thin brown spots
  • Uneven texture or skin tone
  • Oiliness or dryness 
  • Facial rejuvenation

How do chemical peels work?

Application of a blend of alpha- and beta-hydroxy acids and retinol exfoliate the outer skin layers to provide facial rejuvenation and younger, healthier looking skin.

Different peels penetrate at different depths in the skin, depending on the ingredients and techniques used and the desired cosmetic treatment goals.

Medium chemical peels penetrate the epidermis (topmost layer of the skin) and the upper portion of the underlying dermis (thickest layer of the skin). Deep chemical peels penetrate even deeper into the dermis to promote significant exfoliation and address stubborn pigmentary issues and sun-damaged skin.

How do I prepare for a chemical peel?

Prior to chemical peels, it is recommended to stop any topical retinol or retinoid products, benzoyl peroxide, alpha and beta hydroxy acids, depilatory creams or other potentially irritating products for the 3 days before treatment. It is also important to avoid light-based and laser treatments, electrolysis, waxing, laser hair reduction, neuromodulator treatment, filler, or any other injections/procedures in the area to be treated.

Deep chemical peels require 4-8 weeks of skin preparation prior to treatment to minimize the risk for post-treatment discoloration. Specific skin preparation instructions will be provided to you if a deep chemical peel is recommended by your dermatology provider.

What can I expect during a chemical peel?

During a chemical peel, a solution is applied to the skin that results in an exfoliative effect. The medium chemical peels performed at our clinic are formulated with anti-inflammatory ingredients to minimize discomfort or skin irritation during treatment. Moderate discomfort is to be expected during deep chemical peels, but the discomfort usually dissipates after treatment.

What can I anticipate after a chemical peel?

Downtime varies with every person. In general, after a medium chemical peel, most people will experience 2-5 days of light skin peeling, usually starting 2-3 days after treatment. Deep chemical peels typically result in 5-10 days of medium-deep skin peeling starting 2-3 days after treatment. You will be given specific directions regarding post-care recommendations and products to use on the skin to optimize healing after treatment.

Any additional questions?

Book an appointment for consultation with our licensed esthetician for a more in-depth overview, or contact us at (651)789-9800.

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