It is common for people to develop benign growths – especially as we age. These are completely harmless but may cause discomfort for some and/or be cosmetically undesirable for others. It’s important for any new or changing lesion to be evaluated by a dermatology provider to rule out a precancerous condition or a skin cancer. If the lesion is determined to be benign, then your provider can review possible treatment options.
The following is a list of common benign growths that we frequently treat at North Metro Dermatology:
These are small, superficial, skin growths that almost everyone develops at some point in adulthood. They tend to form in areas of friction such as the underarms, neck, eyelids, groin, or under the breasts. They are also commonly seen in pregnancy. If skin tags are bothersome, they can be removed in our clinic.
These growths can, at times, be alarming as they can become large, dark, and can have an unusual warty, stuck-on appearance. These growths are completely benign. They typically start to appear in middle age and can be hereditary. If they become bothersome, we can treat them in our clinic. The most common method of treatment for seborrheic keratoses is cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen treatment).
These yellowish, pinkish, or flesh-colored bumps usually appear on facial skin in adulthood and often in those with oily skin. While these growths are completely benign, they are usually persistent and often cosmetically unappealing to patients. An effective treatment option includes light destruction with a fine tip electric needle. Once treated, sebaceous hyperplasia may recur. Your dermatology provider may recommend certain topical therapies to help with prevention – especially in the setting of oily skin.
These tiny, white bumps are superficial keratin cysts that are commonly found on the face. While they go away on their own in infants, they tend to persist in adults. If removal is desired for cosmetic reasons, we can extract them in the clinic or recommend topical therapies for improvement and prevention.
These common growths can appear anywhere on the body. They occur when epidermal skin cells get trapped under the skin and form a sack or a “cyst”. These can form from a hair follicle opening becoming plugged and then become inflamed from minor trauma to the skin. These growths fill with a foul-smelling, cheesy substance. On their own, they are harmless, but these cysts are prone to inflammation, rupture, and sometimes, infection. It can be hard to predict if or when they will become inflamed. Epidermal inclusion cysts can be treated and/or removed in our clinic.
These benign fatty tumors typically develop in the subcutaneous (fatty) layer in the skin. Rarely, they can involve deeper layers of facia or muscle. Though they are usually painless and can be left alone, sometimes they may cause pressure on nerves and result in discomfort. If removal is desired, they can often be easily treated in the office.